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戦国Ⅰ 十一日 朝日教貞、中の院通秀に、同家領加賀国額田の荘年貢の去年未進分及び当年分の 納入を誓約する。教貞の違約により、十二月二十一日、幕府、通秀に、同荘を直務させる。(Sengoku I, On the 11th day, Asahi Norisada vowed to pay Naka no In Michihide the amount of tithes still owing from the previous year for the Nukata no Shō. However as a result of breaking his vow, the Bakufu, on the 21st of the 12th month, directed Michihide to take direct control of his estate)


戦国Ⅰ 十一日 朝日教貞、中の院通秀に、同家領加賀国額田の荘年貢の去年未進分及び当年分の 納入を誓約する。教貞の違約により、十二月二十一日、幕府、通秀に、同荘を直務させる。(Sengoku I, On the 11th day, Asahi Norisada vowed to pay Naka no In Michihide the amount of tithes still owing from the previous year for the Nukata no Shō. However as a result of breaking his vow, the Bakufu, on the 21st of the 12th month, directed Michihide to take direct control of his estate)

「中の院文書」(寛正五年)一四六四年 (Naka no In Household Documents, Kanshō 5, 1464)
「・」加賀の國額田の庄年貢去年未進分の事、當月の次第により沙汰を致し、來九月中慥に皆濟をすべし、當年分の事に次、庄内年中に於いて必ず究濟を至るべき也、此両條不法懈怠をせしめ請け文を背けば、地下一圓を直務有るべし、御成敗爲らば、一言の子細も申しべからず也、仍って請け文之状の件の如し、   寛正五年(甲申)七月十一日(p.286)            教貞判     ○充所      闕(かく)ク

中の院家文書」(寛正五年)一四六四年 (Naka no In Household Documents, Kanshō 5, 1464)
寛正五年十二月廿一日           信濃の守 判
                     散位 判
  中の院家雜掌(p.287)          ○コノ文書紙背二、治部貞

These two documents spread more light on the situation. In the following year, Asahi Tokimoto had again pledged to pay all outstanding tribute amounts, and stated that he had already paid the tribute for the seventh month. Again he states that if he were not able to accumulate and pay all of the tribute owed on the estate of Nukata no Shō, then this should be directly administered by Naka no In, to which he would voice no objections. However the Bakufu (possibly prompted by Naka no In) in the twelfth month of the same year sent a message to Naka no In, stating that the negligence of Asahi Norisada was to blame for the non-payment of tithes (dating back to the previous year) despite the fact that the Bakufu had sent missives to him. Hence it again appoints Naka no In as direct ruler over both shōen, thereby removing the authority of the Asahi.

© Greg Pampling. This page was modified in December 2011